LapMaster is the premier slot car racing,
- High Tech Racing Slot Car Simulator full. free download Pc
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lap-counting and race management system.
-Accurate millisecond timing from dedicated hardware.
High Tech Racing (HTR) is a Slot Car Racing Simulator, a virtual version of the classic toy of the 80's and 90's. HTR offers 3 different difficulty levels and 18 tracks that include several challenges like loops, jumps, crossroads, narrows and high speed curves. You can even build your own tracks with the highly intuitive Track Editor.
-Run on modern Windows/XP, Vista, Win/7, Win/8.x or Win/10 with USB attachment.
-The first choice in the internet age, with “LiveTiming” and automated web publishing.
[Click on the picture to see it in full size.]
Main display of LapMaster This is what the drivers see. | ScoreBoard This is what the bystanders see. | LiveTiming This is what you internet audience sees. |
Result and Stats index Here you find all results on the internet. | Result The results are displayed like this. | Laps statistics Laps statistics show how well each driver did on each lane. |
Timing statistics Timing statistics show how fast each driver was on each lane. | Actual/Potential statistics This statistics show how well each driver managed to get the best out of the equipment he’s got. | Race development statistics This statistics shows how the race developed. |
- In addition, there is information on designing and building track layouts and discussion of the two major schools of slot-car racing: 'scale' racing, in which enthusiasts strive to create accurate replicas of their favorite vintage and modern race cars, and all-out slot racing featuring high-tech replicas built strictly for speed, not realism.
- HTR+ High Tech Racing is a slot car racing simulation, a virtual version of the classic toy of the 80's and 90's. Enjoy three difficulty levels and 20 tracks that include loops, jumps, crossroads, narrows and high-speed curves. Build and share your own tracks online, or test your skills on over 100,000 tracks created by players around the world.
LiveTiming -Follow live slotcar racing from these premier Slotcar race tracks around the world:
Dallas Slot Cars, Texas USA. | Mid.America Raceway & Hobbies, Chicago USA. | Tom Thumb Hobbies, Ohio USA. |
RaceFun, Copenhagen, Denmark | And many others. |
You can download the latest version of the LapMaster program here:
19 June 2020:LapMaster Version 3.30 (Program and English version)
You are invited to download and run LapMaster in simulation mode to see for yourself how it works and feel. However you will not be able to use the program for real without the hardware. |
High Tech Racing Slot Car Simulator full. free download Pc
For other languages, please also download and install the language supplement:
LapMaster Danish Language suplement
LapMaster Swedish Language suplement
LapMaster German Language suplement
LapMaster Norwegian Language suplement
LapMaster Spanish Language suplement
LapMaster English Language suplement (Already included with the main program.)
Download the driver for the USB connector from the chip manufacture:
FTDI Serial-to-USB driver (FTDI driver download page)
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.
Read the extensive Help and Reference manual here (Online/HTML)
Older version of documentation (3.18) as a PDF file.
How to connect IR-detectors for LapMaster.
How to connect the LapMaster device
Tech and commercial information:
The program works in association with the LapTimer-II hardware.
- Dedicated microprocessor assures correct and precise timing with 1/1000 seconds resolution.
- Serial interface (RS232) can be converted to USB using the supplied converter cable.
- Available in 4 or 8 track versions.
- Wireless remote control.
Windows XP, Vista, Win/7, Win/8.x or Win/10.
Sound system (Loudspeakers) is a must.
Color printer is recommended for printing results, statistics and winners certificate.
Dual screen is recommended.
Internet connection is optional.
High Tech Racing Slot Car Simulator full. free download Utorrent
Commercial information:
LapMaster is ahigh quality commercial grade system, intended for clubs and commercial slotcar racing centers,
even though it is of cause also usable for the quality minded home track owner.
It is however not freeware. The complete systems (Hardware and Software) are commercially available from the author.
A 4-lane system with dead-strip interface cost 2000,- DKr (~295 USD), and the full 8-lane 2500,- DKr (~370 USD) + shipping 150 DKr ~23 USD.
The optional IR optical sensors cost an extra 400/800 DKr (~60/120 USD) for a 4/8 lane system.
(Based upon 1 USD = 6,78 DKr as per Jan 29, 2020).
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